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Programs and Services

PRIME stands for Promoting Refugee Integration, Mobility and Empowerment. PRIME provides refugees a continuum of services that are community based, comprehensive and client centered. The services promote refugees’ integration into their new communities, and increase their mobility through coaching on how to independently navigate community systems and resources. Refugees use the knowledge gained to empower themselves and regain control over their lives as they fulfill their dreams or goals. PRIME services are available to refugees who are at least 16 years old, and who have resided in the U.S. for five (5) years or less. The services, which are provided by service providers throughout the state, include comprehensive Case Management Services, Self Sufficiency Education Workshops, and Immigration Assistance. In addition, PRIME provides auxiliary services including an asylee outreach program; a civic engagement project; and a mental health support program for those contending with difficulty adjusting in the U.S. and/or residual trauma due to persecution in their home country.


PRIME Case Management services enable refugees to remove barriers that prevent them from achieving economic independence and to integrate successfully into their new communities. Case Management services are related to family stability, economic empowerment, health and wellness, education and training, and cultural integration. The services are designed to be sufficiently flexible, so that they meet the specific needs of individual recipients. Providers can also link refugees in need of services or benefits with other service providers, professionals, and/or agencies.


PRIME Self-Sufficiency Education Workshops provide newly arrived refugees with critical information that help them to learn how to live and thrive in their new communities in Washington State. The workshops, which are provided in a structured bilingual setting, allow refugees to learn how to access local services and resources independently. Self-Sufficiency Education Workshop topics include:
Advanced Cultural Orientation that builds upon, but does not replicate cultural orientation workshops provided by VOLAG’s during the reception and placement period.


PRIME offers refugees assistance with completing the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services application to adjust or change immigration status from lawful temporary residence status to lawful permanent residence status after a year in the U.S


PRIME services are available to refugees who are at least 16 years old, and who have resided in the U.S. for five (5) years or less. 

Washington State’s SNAP employment and training program is known as the Basic Food Employment and Training (BFET) program. It provides job search, job search training (soft skills), educational services (adult basic education, English as a second language, and high school equivalency), workforce skills training (vocational education), assistance with establishing small businesses, post-employment services, and other employment opportunities to Basic Food recipients who are not participating in the state’s Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) program. Unlike TANF, participation in BFET employment and training services is voluntary and there is no participation hour requirement.


The BFET program through ORIA (sometimes referred to as ORIA BFET) offers the same services statewide as the general or mainstream BFET program with a focus on providing culturally and linguistically appropriate employment and training services to refugees and immigrants.


Services under the ORIA BFET program include:
Job Search
English as a Second Language (ESL) training
Vocational education and training
Case management
Job retention services
Support services


An individual is eligible to receive ORIA BFET services if they are:
16 years or older
A federal food recipient
A refugee or immigrant
Not a U.S. citizen
Not currently receiving refugee cash assistance

Limited English Proficiency (LEP) Pathway

Services include, but are not limited to:
Job Preparation / Job Search – one-on-one coaching, ongoing case management, and workshops centered around obtaining and retaining employment such as how to look for a job, resume writing, interviewing skills, employer expectations, and using the internet to search for work. Service Providers work closely with clients to holistically support clients to find and retain stable employment.

Skills Training – training to gain and improve work skills in a specific industry. Skills training ranges from CDL training to Culinary Skills Apprenticeships with most offering industry recognized certificates upon completion.

Work Experience – unpaid opportunities to practice work skills and gain work experience onsite with a nonprofit organization.

English as a Second Language (ESL), English Language Acquisition (ELA), English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL), English Language Learners (ELL)– classroom instructional setting, 1:1 or small group tutoring to increase literacy skills in reading,
listening, speaking, and writing.

Support Services – provided to break down barriers and encourage engagement with LEP Pathway services/activities.

Eligibility – The LEP Pathway program assists eligible refugees and immigrants including those receiving Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) cash and Refugee Cash Assistance (RCA) benefits to move towards or obtain employment.

Refugee Federation Service Center